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    Abaqat (diffusions of Perfume) is the nearest source towards the understanding of the philosophy of Hazrat Shah waliullah Muhaddith dehlviرحمة الله عليه. The author has attempted successfully at explaining clearly some of the mystical and philosophical points which had been summarily mentioned by Hazrat Shah sahib رحمة الله عليه whom he considers as the “best of investigators ( Afdhal –ul- Muhaqqiqin)”.

    He was deeply impressed by his two famous treatises ‘Lamahaat’ and ‘Sat’aat’ which cover two third of his field of philosophy.

    In consequence, he prepared his ‘Abaqat’ which more or less is an elucidation of their substance. On the strength of these two works in particular, He has given preference to him over Shaikh Akbar Ibn ul Arabi رحمة الله عليه and Hazrat Imam Rabbani رحمة الله عليه.

    Though Shah Shaheed رحمة الله عليه was not a mystic but at times, the mystical revelations were made to him. His discussions on the esoteric science in his book are an indication to the vast knowledge he possessed about mysticism, philosophy and the traditional literature. He had written this book in the form of a text with an intention to follow it with a commentary but he did not live to do so. This is the reason why it is difficult to understand certain points without elaboration.

    The translator had before him two urdu translations of the ‘Abaqat’, the printed one by Hazrat Maulana Manazir Ahsan Geelani sahab رحمة الله عليه and the other in the shape of a manuscript once dictated by the late Maulana Ubaidullah sindhi sahab رحمة الله عليه in Mecca when he was in exile.

    If these translations had not been there, it would have been impossible for him to undertake such a hard task. Though this English rendering may not be claimed as completely free from defects, but inspite of that it will be found interesting and instructive particularly for those persons inclined towards mysticism and philosophy.


    “Abqat” is a renowned Islamic book written by Shah Ismail Shaheed, a prominent figure in the history of Islamic revivalism in South Asia during the 18th century. This book is considered one of his most significant works.

    In “Abqat,” Shah Ismail Shaheed addresses various theological and religious issues. He advocated for a return to what he believed were the pure teachings of Islam and criticized what he saw as deviations and innovations in religious practices. His work played a significant role in the reformist and revivalist movements within Islam in the Indian subcontinent.

    Shah Ismail Shaheed’s ideas and writings have had a lasting impact on Islamic thought in the region, and “Abqat” remains an important text for those interested in the history of Islamic reform movements. It is often studied and referenced by scholars and students of Islamic studies.


    اصلاح معاشرہ

    (صحیح بخاری و صحیح مسلم کی متفق علیہ 100 احادیث کی تشریح)

    اردو ترجمہ : مولانا ڈاکٹر حبیب اللہ مختار

    ” إصلاح المجتمع “

    شرح مائة حديث مختارة مما اتفق عليه البخاري ومسلم

    المؤلف : محمد بن سالم بن حسين الكدادى البيحانى



    URDU TRANSLATION BY : Moulana Dr. Habib Ullah Mukhtar


  • Masnad Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ke rawaat “Ilm al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil” ki roshni mein: ek tahqiqi aur tanqeedi jaaiza

    مسند امام اعظم ابو حنیفہ کے رواۃ علم الجرح والتعدیل کی روشنی میں ایک تحقیقی اور تنقیدی جائزہ

    تحقیقی مقالہ برائے پی ایچ۔ ڈی اسلامک سٹڈیز
    مقالہ نگار :حافظ محمد ابراہیم
    نگران مقالہ : ڈاکٹر کریم داد
    ڈیپارٹمنٹ آف اسلامک سٹڈیز
    عبد الولی خان یونیورسٹی مردان، خیبر پختو نخوا
    اکیڈیمک سیشن : 2015ء – 2018ء

    Masnad Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ke rawaat “Ilm al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil” ki roshni mein: ek tahqiqi aur tanqeedi jaaiza

    (Phd Thesis)


  • Shah waliullah dehlvi ki tahqeqaat e hadeez,Sahih bukhari k qalmi nuskhay ki roshani me . By : Dr Atiq u rahman.

    شاہ ولى اللہ دهلوى کی تحقيقات حديث
    صحیح بخاری کے ایک قلمی نسخے کی روشنی میں
    تأليف : ڈاکٹر محمد عتیق الرحمٰن

    Shah waliullah dehlvi ki tahqeqaat e hadeez

    Sahih bukhari k qalmi nuskhay ki roshani me .
    By : Dr Atiq u rahman.