Parlemani Jamhuriat ka Phalay Gyarah Saal By Murtza Anjum
پارلیمانی جہموریت کے پہلے گیارہ سال

Parlemani Jamhuriat ka Phalay Gyarah Saal By Murtza Anjum

پارلیمانی جہموریت کے پہلے گیارہ سال،مصنف مرتضی انجم

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Parlemani Jamhuriat ka Phalay Gyarah Saal By Murtza Anjum

پارلیمانی جہموریت کے پہلے گیارہ سال،مصنف مرتضی انجم

Toobaa Foundition

The purpose of the Toobaa Foundition is to serve the scholars, especially those specializing in MPhil, PhD, or any other field. The foundation assists them in their pursuit of knowledge. To achieve this goal, Toobaa Foundition has a program to digitize all libraries across the country, whether private or public. The primary objective is to search for libraries, compile lists, and introduce the available books. The foundation also conducts scanning of rare manuscripts and scans books that require digitization, presenting them in PDF and Kindle formats.

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