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    Aalmi Manshoor 1948 Main Insani Haqooq Kay Tasawar Aur Samaji Asraat Ka Seerat e Nabviya(S.A.W) Ki Roshni Main Aik Taqabli Jaiza

    عالمی منشور 1948 ء میں انسانی حقوق کے تصور اور

    سماجی اثرات کا سیرت نبوی علی صاحبہا الصلاة والسلام

    کی روشنی میں ایک تقابلی جائزہ

    )تحقیقی مقالہ برائے پی ایچ ڈی اسلامک سٹڈیز(

    مقالہ نگار: بُرہان الدین

    نگران مقالہ:ڈاکٹر محمد طاہر

    ڈیپارٹمنٹ آف اسلامک سٹڈیز،عبدالولی خان یونیورسٹی مردان،خیبرپختونخوا

    اکیڈیمک سیشن: 2015ء – 2018ء

    Aalmi Manshoor 1948 Main Insani Haqooq Kay Tasawar Aur Samaji Asraat Ka Seerat e Nabviya(S.A.W) Ki Roshni Main Aik Taqabli Jaiza

    (PhD Thesis)

    Research by : burhan u Din

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    Books of the biography of the Prophet ﷺ Rabi al-Awwal 1445 Hijri

    On the occasion of the blessed month of Rabi al-Awwal Risalat Ma’ab Sarwar e Kainat rahmatulalamin Khatam-ul-Nabieen Hazrat Muhammad Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in 1445 AH, special books on “Various Aspects of the Biography of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW” were presented to the readers by “Toobaa Research Library / Blog” and “Toobaa Book Foundation”. Which have been combined in one post.

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    Dur e Jadeed K Mushtarqeen Aur Un Ka Andaaz Seerat Nigari (Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu , Michael Cook aur Karen Armstrong ) Aik Tehqeeqi o Tanqeedi Jaiza

    دورِ جدید کے مستشرقین اور ان کا اندازِ سیرت نگاری (کانسٹن ور جل جورجیو،

    مائیکل کک اور کیرن آرم سٹرانگ ) ایک تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ

    تحقیقی مقالہ برائے پی ایچ ڈی علوم اسلامیہ

    مقالہ نگار : فوزیہ فیاض

    نگران مقالہ:پروفیسر ڈاکٹر محسنہ منیر

    شعبہ علوم اسلامیہ،اسلامیہ لاہور کالج برائے خواتین یونی ورسٹی لاہور،پاکستان

    Dur e Jadeed K Mushtarqeen Aur Un Ka Andaaz Seerat Nigari (Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu , Michael Cook aur Karen Armstrong ) Aik Tehqeeqi o Tanqeedi Jaiza

    (PhD Thesis)

    Research by : Fozia Fayyaz

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    MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) and his Constitutional Charter


    and his

    Constitutional Charter

    Brig. Gulzar

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    My endearing Dr. Maulvi Majid Ali Khan is a learned youth
    who has had the privilege of having the education both in the
    Western as well as in the Oriental ways. He not only obtained his
    M.Sc. from the Muslim University, Aligarh, but also obtained
    his Master of Theology degree and Doctorate in Sunni Theology
    from there. Because of his zeal in Islamics, he also joined Dărul
    ‘Uloom (Arabic College), Meerut, on his own, in order to com-
    plete his higher studies. He served as a lecturer in Islamic
    Studies in the West Indies and then in the Deptt. of Sunni Theo-
    logy at the Aligarh Muslim University. Now he is a lecturer in
    Islamic Studies at the Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He is
    the author of a number of books and articles on Islam in English
    and Urdu and is continuously busy in writing. His most remark-
    able feature is that he is an orthodox youth having sound
    thoughts and great devotion for Islam.
    It is a matter of pleasure that Saudi Arabia’s panel of judges
    for the competition of “Research Works on Sirah” selected his
    book on the “Sirah” (life of the Holy Prophet) for a coveted
    award. I pray to Allah for a general recognition of his book,
    Muhammad the Final Messenger, and so as to create the desire
    among the readers to follow the “Sirah” of the Holy Prophet
    (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam).
    Ist Şafar, 1399
    (Ist January, 1979)
    (Maulānā) Abul Hasan ‘Ali,
    Rector (Nazim) Nadwatul Ulamā,
    Lucknow (India).


    This book has the unique distinction of winning second of the
    five awards of the value of SR 50,000.00; 40,000.00; 30,000.00,
    20,000.00 and 10,000.00 respectively in a world competition
    instituted by the Rabitat-al-‘Alam-al-Islami of Mecca (Saudi
    Arabia). The judgement was given by a board of experts com-
    prising great scholars of world reputation, both Arab and
    non-Arab. Hence it needs no further introduction. There is no
    dearth of books written in English on the life and works of the
    Prophet of Islam (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam). They however,
    generally suffer from two defects: the books written by non-
    Muslim authors, whatsoever scholarly they may be, lack in a
    realistic approach, whereas the books, written by Muslim authors
    sometime fail to represent the orthodox school of biographers
    of the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).
    This book, being safe from the above defects, can readily be
    accepted as a novel and fine contribution to the “Sirat” litera-
    ture in English. The main and salient features of the book may
    hereunder be summed up:
    (1) It is not merely a historical survey of the events related
    to the life of the Prophet, but also contains an enlightened dis-
    cussion of the socio-economic problems of the society in Madina
    and their effective and just solutions by the Prophet.
    (2) It repudiates quite convincingly and firmly the charges
    levelled and the misgivings created by Western writers against

    the Prophet.
    (3) The finality of the Prophet has been established on such
    a firm basis as leaving no room for an inkling of doubt in the
    (4) A new, modern and most up-to-date interpretation of
    “Ghazawat” has been given in it, due to which one would defi-
    nitely arrive at the conclusion that the Prophet of Islam never
    adopted an aggressive way and that his mission was God-
    (5) The basic sources of the book are the Qur’an and Hadith,
    and then the original historical books.
    (6) The most remarkable feature of the book is that it presents
    the Personality of Muḥammad (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) as
    the most distinguished Prophet and not simply a reformer. Even
    some of the leading biographers of our times have not succeeded
    fully in this regard.
    I am confident that this book will be of benefit to readers
    in general.
    (Professor) Sa’id Ahmad Akberābādī
    U.G.C. Professor,
    Deptt. of Arabic,
    Calicut University (India).
    Formerly Dean Faculty of Theology,
    The Aligarh Muslim University,
    Aligarh (India).



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    Rasool-e-Akram (S.A.W) ki askari aur siyasi zindagi mein Sulh Hudaybiyah ka kirdar, aur aaj ke dor mein iski zaroorat aur ahmiyat

    رسول اکرم ﷺ کی عسکری اور سیاسی زندگی میں صلح حدیبیہ کا کردار

    اور عصر حاضر میں اس کی ضرورت واہمیت, علمی تحقیقی جائزہ

    تحقیقی مقالہ برائے پی ایچ ڈی (Ph.D)

    ریسرچ اسکالر: محمد طیب خان

    زیر نگرانی:ڈاکٹر حافظ محمد ثانی

    شعبہ اسلامیات

    وفاقی اردو یو نیورسٹی، اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر

    شعبہ اسلامیات,عبدالحق کیمپس کراچی وفاقی اردو یونیورسٹی ، عبدالحق کیمپس کراچی

    Rasool-e-Akram (S.A.W)  ki askari aur siyasi zindagi mein Sulh Hudaybiyah ka kirdar, aur aaj ke dor mein iski zaroorat aur ahmiyat

    (Phd. Thesis)


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    The Life and Times of the Great Prophet of Islam

    Hadrat Muhammad Rasool-Allah (may peace be on him)


    His Chief Companions

    By: Professor Dr. Mahmud Brelvi

    With a Foreword by

    Mr. A. K. Brohi

    Chairman, National Hijra Committee


    University of Sind

    Jamshoro, Sind, Pakistan.

    1982/Rabi’-ul-Awwal, 1403 A.H.

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    Zaad al-Ma’ad Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W , Part one


    سیرت خیر العباد ﷺ

    از: علامہ ابن قیم ابن الجوزی

    مترجم حاشیہ نگار : مفتی محمد عزیز الرحمن بجنوری

    حصہ اول

    ٭علامہ ابن قیم کی کتاب زاد المعاد ، تعار ف ،منہج و اسلوب اور امتیازی خصوسیات٭

    Zaad al-Ma’ad

    Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W

    By: Allama Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya

    Mutarjam Hashiya Nigar: Mufti Muhammad Aziz ur-Rahman Bijnori

    Part one


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    Zaad al-Ma’ad Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W Part four


    سیرت خیر العباد ﷺ

    از: علامہ ابن قیم الجوزی

    مترجم حاشیہ نگار : مفتی محمد عزیز الرحمن بجنوری

    حصہ چہارم

    ٭علامہ ابن قیم کی کتاب زاد المعاد ، تعار ف ،منہج و اسلوب اور امتیازی خصوصیات٭

    Zaad al-Ma’ad

    Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W

    By: Allama Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya

    Mutarjam Hashiya Nigar: Mufti Muhammad Aziz ur-Rahman Bijnori

    Part four

    کتب سیرت میں زاد المعاد کی منفرد خصوصیت یہ ہے کہ اس میں صرف حالات اور واقعات کے بیان پر اکتفاء نہیں کیا گیا بلکہ ہر موقع پر یہ بات واضح کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے کہ آنحضرت کے فلاں قول اور فلاں عمل سے کیا حکم مستنبط ہو سکتا ہے اور آنحضرت کے حالات اور معمولات زندگی میں ہمارے لیے کیا کچھ سامانِ موعظت موجود ہے گویا اس کتاب میں امت کے سامنے رسول کریم کا اسوہ حسنہ اس طرح کھول کر رکھ دیا گیا ہے کہ وہ زندگی کے ہر شعبے میں اس سے ہدایت حاصل کر سکے۔