• (0)

    Never Leave Me PDF

    Never Leave Me PDF By Harold Robbins

    This book is available in three formats (Kindle),(DOCX/DOC),PDF

    PDF prize                        FreeDownload
    DOCX/DOC Prize        $8 withe Book Cover
    Kindle Prize                   $5 With Book Cover
    Note: This prize is not definitive; it can be decreased or increased.

    This book is not available for free, you can buy this book from Amazon and other bookshops for a low price.
    To purchase the book, you can Contact US this or WhatsApp  &  FaceBook.


    BUY FROME US(only kindle)

                                                            CONTACT TO BUY 


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    Bustan ul Arifeen: The Garden of the Gnostics By Imam Nawawi
    بستان العارفین امام یحییٰ بن شرف نووی

    Bustan ul Arifeen: The Garden of the Gnostics By Imam Nawawi

    بستان العارفین امام یحییٰ بن شرف نووی
    امام نویؒ کی نایاب کتاب

    Toobaa Foundition

    The purpose of the Toobaa Foundition is to serve the scholars, especially those specializing in MPhil, PhD, or any other field. The foundation assists them in their pursuit of knowledge. To achieve this goal, Toobaa Foundition has a program to digitize all libraries


    across the country, whether private or public. The primary objective is to search for libraries, compile lists, and introduce the available books. The foundation also conducts scanning of rare manuscripts and scans books that require digitization, presenting them in PDF and Kindle formats.



    We urge you to collaborate with Toobaa Foundition for the completion of this noble mission. To contribute, search for libraries at your locality, district, and tehsil levels, and contact the librarians and organizers. Special cooperation is sought for scanning books. You can help us by scanning books yourself or getting them scanned. Send us the list of books available in your library, along with their titles.


    Assist us in creating PDF or Kindle formats for books. Toobaa Foundation sometimes offers books for purchase to fund this mission mentioned above. As there are considerable expenses on this website, we kindly request you to prioritize Toobaa Shop for book purchases. Buy the books presented on the website for your needs.


    If you need any book from the recommended books on the Toobaa Foundition website in PDF format, you can obtain it by contributing to the scanning costs.



    You should visit this website if you will get books here absolutely free and you can buy the book at a low price from Amazon.We are updating it day by day you can also join our whatsapp group and other links.
    Link For Order


    WhatsApp Grup Link

    Knoozedil Library Link


    Plz Click On Link

  • (0)

    The Alchemist PDF

    The Alchemist PDF by Paulo Coelho

    This book is available in three formats (Kindle),(DOCX/DOC),PDF

    PDF prize                        FreeDownload
    DOCX/DOC Prize        $4 withe Book Cover
    Kindle Prize                   $3 With Book Cover
    Note: This prize is not definitive; it can be decreased or increased.

    This book is not available for free, you can buy this book from Amazon and other bookshops for a low price.
    To purchase the book, you can Contact US this or WhatsApp  &  FaceBook.


                                               CONTACT TO BUY 


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    Tasheeh al-Aghlaat al-Kitabiyyah al-Waqi’ah fi Nuskh al-Tihawiyyah Al-Juz’ al-Awwal

    تصحیح الاغلاط الکتابیۃ الواقعۃ فی نسخ الطحاویۃ

    الجزء الاول

    للعالم الفاضل و الطبیب الکامل المولوی محمد ایوب

    Tasheeh al-Aghlaat al-Kitabiyyah al-Waqi’ah fi Nuskh al-Tihawiyyah

     Al-Juz’ al-Awwal

    Lil-Aalim al-Faadil wa al-Tabib al-Kamil al-Mawlavi Muhammad Ayub

  • (0)

    Welcome Home: A Guide to Building a Home for Your Soul PDF

    This book is available in three formats (Kindle),(DOCX/DOC),PDF

    PDF prize                        FreeDownload
    DOCX/DOC Prize        $12 withe Book Cover
    Kindle Prize                   $8 With Book Cover
    Note: This prize is not definitive; it can be decreased or increased.

    This book is not available for free, you can buy this book from Amazon and other bookshops for a low price.
    To purchase the book, you can Contact US this or WhatsApp  &  FaceBook.


    BUY FROME US(only kindle)

                                                            CONTACT TO BUY 

  • (0)

    The Road to Kabul: An Anthology PDF By Gerald de Gaury,HVF Winstone

    The Road to Kabul: An Anthology By Gerald de Gaury,HVF Winstone
    This book provides essential historical context for comprehending current events in the Middle East, up to 1982. It encompasses accounts from visitors spanning from the era of Marco Polo to the early 20th century, offering insights into how the region was perceived during those times.

    his book is available in three formats (Kindle),(DOCX/DOC),PDF

    PDF prize                        PDF is available on demandFreeDownload But
    DOCX/DOC Prize        $12 withe Book Cover
    Kindle Prize                   $8 With Book Cover
    Note: This prize is not definitive; it can be decreased or increased.

    This book is not available for free, you can buy this book from Amazon and other bookshops for a low price.
    To purchase the book, you can Contact US this or WhatsApp  &  FaceBook.

                                                            CONTACT TO BUY 


  • (0)

    Irshaad Us Salikeen PDF Part 1Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan
    ارشاد السالکین(حصہ اوّل) حضرت امیر محمد اکرم اعوانؒ

    Irshaad Us Salikeen PDF Part 1 Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan
    ارشاد السالکین(حصہ اوّل) حضرت امیر محمد اکرم اعوانؒ

    This book is available in three formats (Kindle),(DOCX/DOC),PDF

    PDF prize                        FreeDownload
    DOCX/DOC Prize        Not Available
    Kindle Prize                  Not Available

    Click on the
      CONTACT TO BUY to convert to Kindle or DOS format

    This book is not available for free, you can buy this book from Amazon and other bookshops for a low price.
    To purchase the book, you can Contact US this or WhatsApp  &  FaceBook.

                                                            CONTACT TO BUY 

  • (0)

    جامع المسانيد والسن الهادي لاقوم سنن
    Jjamie almasanid walsunn alhadii li’aqum sunan PDF

    This book is available in three formats (Kindle),(DOCX/DOC),PDF

    PDF prize                        FreeDownload
    DOCX/DOC Prize    Not Available
    Kindle Prize              Not Available  
    Note: This prize is not definitive; it can be decreased or increased.

    This book is not available for free, you can buy this book from Amazon and other bookshops for a low price.
    To purchase the book, you can Contact US this or WhatsApp  &  FaceBook.

                                                            CONTACT TO BUY 

  • (0)


    روزگار فقیر علامہ اقبال سے ملاقاتوں کے احوال سید وحید الدین کی زبانی

    Toobaa Foundition

    The purpose of the Toobaa Foundition is to serve the scholars, especially those specializing in MPhil, PhD, or any other field. The foundation assists them in their pursuit of knowledge. To achieve this goal, Toobaa Foundition has a program to digitize all libraries across the country, whether private or public. The primary objective is to search for libraries, compile lists, and introduce the available books. The foundation also conducts scanning of rare manuscripts and scans books that require digitization, presenting them in PDF and Kindle formats.


    We urge you to collaborate with Toobaa Foundition for the completion of this noble mission. To contribute, search for libraries at your locality, district, and tehsil levels, and contact the librarians and organizers. Special cooperation is sought for scanning books. You can help us by scanning books yourself or getting them scanned. Send us the list of books available in your library, along with their titles.

    Assist us in creating PDF or Kindle formats for books. Toobaa Foundation sometimes offers books for purchase to fund this mission mentioned above. As there are considerable expenses on this website, we kindly request you to prioritize Toobaa Shop for book purchases. Buy the books presented on the website for your needs.

    If you need any book from the recommended books on the Toobaa Foundition website in PDF format, you can obtain it by contributing to the scanning costs.

  • (0)

    Tafseer Fath ul Mannaan ( Tafseer e Haqqani)

    فتح المنان (تفسیر حقانی)

    مترجم و مفسر : علامہ ابو محمد عبدالحق حقانی دہلوی

    عنوانات تسہیل : مولانا عابد قریشی

    Tafseer Fath ul Mannaan ( Tafseer e Haqqani)

    By : Allama Abu Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani Dehlvi


    VOL1 + VOL 2 + VOL 3 + VOL 4

  • (0)

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Infographics Edition: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change PDF& Kindle Edition

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Infographics Edition: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change PDF& Kindle Edition
    By:by Stephen R. Covey (Author)

    This book is available in three formats (Kindle),(DOCX/DOC),PDF

    PDF prize                        Free DOWNLOAD
    DOCX/DOC Prize        $7 withe Book Cover
    Kindle Prize                   $5 With Book Cover
    Note: This prize is not definitive; it can be decreased or increased.

    This book is not available for free, you can buy this book from Amazon and other bookshops for a low price.
    To purchase the book, you can Contact US this or WhatsApp  &  FaceBook.

                                                            CONTACT TO BUY 

                                     DOWNLOAD PDF


  • (0)

    The Happiest Man on Earth By Eddie Jaku PDF

    The Happiest Man on Earth By Eddie Jaku PDF

    This book is available in three formats (Kindle),(DOCX/DOC),PDF

    PDF prize                        Free Download
    DOCX/DOC Prize        $8 withe Book Cover
    Kindle Prize                   $5 With Book Cover
    Note: This prize is not definitive; it can be decreased or increased.

    This book is not available for free, you can buy this book from Amazon and other bookshops for a low price.
    To purchase the book, you can Contact US this or WhatsApp  &  FaceBook.

                                                            CONTACT TO BUY