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    majjallah ahkam ul adaliya (arabic)new edition

    مجلة الأحكام العدلية

    النص الأصلي المصحح

    مع مقدمة مفصلة حول المجلة وميزاتها

    مضابط كتب المجلة، مع الوثائق

    المواد المعدلة والملغاة مع مذكراتها الإيضاحية للجنة تعديلات المجلة

    مقارنة مع المواد الأخرى من المجلة

    وتحتوي على الإضافات الشرعية الجمعية المجلة  وإضافات علي حيدر ( الكتاب السابع عشر في القرض، مع المقدمة في المعاملة الشرعية)

    Prof . Ahmed Akgündüz / اﻷستاذ د. احمد اق كوندوز

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    30 Days: Change your habits, Change your life PDF

    30 Days: Change your habits, Change your life By Marc Reklau

    Toobaa Foundition

    The purpose of the Toobaa Foundition is to serve the scholars, especially those specializing in MPhil, PhD, or any other field. The foundation assists them in their pursuit of knowledge. To achieve this goal, Toobaa Foundition has a program to digitize all libraries across the country, whether private or public. The primary objective is to search for libraries, compile lists, and introduce the available books. The foundation also conducts scanning of rare manuscripts and scans books that require digitization, presenting them in PDF and Kindle formats.


    We urge you to collaborate with Toobaa Foundition for the completion of this noble mission. To contribute, search for libraries at your locality, district, and tehsil levels, and contact the librarians and organizers. Special cooperation is sought for scanning books. You can help us by scanning books yourself or getting them scanned. Send us the list of books available in your library, along with their titles.

    Assist us in creating PDF or Kindle formats for books. Toobaa Foundation sometimes offers books for purchase to fund this mission mentioned above. As there are considerable expenses on this website, we kindly request you to prioritize Toobaa Shop for book purchases. Buy the books presented on the website for your needs.

    If you need any book from the recommended books on the Toobaa Foundition website in PDF format, you can obtain it by contributing to the scanning costs.

    The annual expenses of this website are low (50000). These include costs for approximately thirty thousand domains and hosting. Maintenance and other expenses are also part of it. By participating in this good cause, you can create an ongoing charity for yourself.

    For contact, you can reach us via WhatsApp and collaborate with us.


    WhatsApp Grup Link

    Other Link
    Knoozedil Library Link

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    Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani ki taleef Takmila -e-Fath al-Mulhim ka Manhaj aur Usloob: tahqiqi wa tajziyati mutala – Copy

    مفتی محمد تقی عثمانی کی تالیف تکملہ فتح الملھم کا منہج واسلوب :تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ

    (تحقیقی مقالہ برائے پی ایچ ڈی علوم اسلامیہ)

    مقالہ نگار : نثار احمد ریاض

    نگران مقالہ: ڈاکٹر مسززریں ایس ۔

    معاون نگران مقالہ: ڈاکٹر محمد فیروزالدین شاه کھگہ

    صدرشعبہ علوم اسلامیہ و عربی،

    یونیورسٹی آف سرگودها،سرگودها

    سیشن (2010-2013ء)

    Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani ki taleef Takmila -e-Fath al-Mulhim ka Manhaj aur Usloob: tahqiqi wa tajziyati mutala

    (Ph.D. Thesis Islamiyat)

    maqala nigar: Nisar Ahmed Riaz.

    مزید مطالعہ کے لیئے  دیکھیئے

    تکملہ فتح الملہم – منہج کا تحلیلی جائزہ

    (تحقیقی مقالہ برائے پی ایچ ڈی علوم اسلامیہ)

    مقالہ نگار :ظل ہما


    تکملہ فتح الملھم شرح صحیح مسلم میں مفتی محمد تقی عثمانی کی تر جیحی آراء کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

    ڈاکٹرعبداللہ خان۔ڈاکٹر سید ازکیا ہاشمی



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    Masail-e-Tasawwuf by Maulana Syed Muhammad Dawood Ghaznavi
    مسائلِ تصوف سیدداؤد غزنوی

    Masail-e-Tasawwuf by Maulana Syed Muhammad Dawood Ghaznavi

    مسائلِ التصوف سید داؤد غزنویؒ


    Toobaa Foundition

    The purpose of the Toobaa Foundition is to serve the scholars, especially those specializing in MPhil, PhD, or any other field. The foundation assists them in their pursuit of knowledge. To achieve this goal, Toobaa Foundition has a program to digitize all libraries across the country, whether private or public. The primary objective is to search for libraries, compile lists, and introduce the available books. The foundation also conducts scanning of rare manuscripts and scans books that require digitization, presenting them in PDF and Kindle formats.

  • (0)

    Parlemani Jamhuriat ka Phalay Gyarah Saal By Murtza Anjum
    پارلیمانی جہموریت کے پہلے گیارہ سال

    Parlemani Jamhuriat ka Phalay Gyarah Saal By Murtza Anjum

    پارلیمانی جہموریت کے پہلے گیارہ سال،مصنف مرتضی انجم

    You should visit this website if you will get books here absolutely free and you can buy the book at a low price from Amazon.

    We are updating it day by day you can also join our whatsapp group and other links.


    WhatsApp Grup Link

    Other Link
    Knoozedil Library Link

  • (0)

    Durood Shareef ki Barkatain By Muhammad Younas

    Durood Shareef ki Barkatain By Muhammad Younas
    درود شریف کی برکتیں مصنف محمد یونس قادری
    درود شریف کی فضیلت و اہمیت پر ایک ہام کتاب سلسلہ راشدیہ قادریہ کے شیخ محمد یونس قادری مد ظلہ العالی کے قلم سے

    شیخ محمد یونس قادری مدظلہ العالی کی دیگر کتب کو پڑھنے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں

    The purpose of the Toobaa Foundition is to serve the scholars, especially those specializing in MPhil, PhD, or any other field. The foundation assists them in their pursuit of knowledge. To achieve this goal, Toobaa Foundition has a program to digitize all libraries across the country, whether private or public. The primary objective is to search for libraries, compile lists, and introduce the available books. The foundation also conducts scanning of rare manuscripts and scans books that require digitization, presenting them in PDF and Kindle formats.


  • (0)

    انسانوں کی زندگی میں جنات کا عمل دخل


    انسانوں کی زندگی میں جنات کا عمل دخل  محمد یونس قادری

    مولانا احمد علی لاہوری ؒ کے سلسلہ قادریہ  راشدیہ سے تعلق رکھنے والے حضرت شیخ محمد یونس قادری مد ظلہ العالی کے قلم سے لکھی گئی کتاب جس میں جنات اور انسانوں کا تعلق اور جنات کیسے انسانوں پر اپنا اثر ڈالتے ہیں اور نقصان پہچاتے ہیں اس موضوع پر ایک شاندار کتاب ہے بالکل فری میں ڈون لو ڈ کیجئے اور پڑھیئے
    شیخ محمد یونس قادری مدظلہ العالی کی دیگر کتب کو پڑھنے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں

    You visit this website and buy books in PDF and Kindle at a very low price compared to Amazon and other bookshops. Let it be clear that this website is free for books. You buy books from this website and support our mission. Financial support. The purpose of this website is to unite libraries around the world and create a digital catalog of the books in them and make the rare manuscripts scanned and made available in PDF and Kindle format for the service of scholars.

     To contact us on WhatsApp, click on the icon with the download alongside the WhatsApp icon.



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    Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky PDF

    Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky PDF

    Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881Garnett, Constance Black, 1862-1946
    Other Link

    This BookYou should visit this website if you will get books here absolutely free and you can buy the book at a low price from Amazon.We are updating it day by day you can also join our whatsapp group and other links.


    WhatsApp Grup Link

    Other Link
    Knoozedil Library Link


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    نکات افغانی

    (شذرات : علامہ شمس الحق افغانی)



    ٭علامہ شمس الحق افغانی کی مزید کتب کے لیئے کلک کیجیئے٭

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    Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson

    In the past year, I delved into Thomas Erikson’s book, “Surrounded by Idiots.” While the reading experience was enjoyable and I gained some practical insights, I harbor reservations about the underlying theory and its scientific basis. This article explores my motivations for reading the book, delves into my perspectives on its content, and concludes with a summary of “Surrounded by Idiots.”

    Introduction The book addresses the common challenge of finding it easy to communicate with some individuals while struggling with others who may appear as “idiots.” It raises questions about why people react differently to similar statements and aims to categorize and enhance our understanding of human behavior.

    Why I Read “Surrounded by Idiots” Encounters with people I find challenging to communicate with prompted me to explore this book. The title suggested a potential solution to understanding others better and improving communication effectiveness.



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    Shuhada e Punjab Police (Part 2)By M.R Shaid
    شہدائے پنجاب پولیسِِ حصہ دوم

    Shuhada e Punjab Police By M.R Shaid
    شہدائے پنجاب پولیس مصنف ایم آر شاہدThe purpose of  Toobaa Foundation is to serve the scholars and students who want to help you by doing MPhil and Ph.D or specialization in any of the fields for which Toobaa Foundation has organized all the libraries across the country. has paid Or Najai offers a program to understand them, the first objective is to explore libraries, list and introduce the books they contain and scan rare manuscripts, and so on, books that need to be scanned. Offering them in PDF and Kindle format.

    This book is currently not fully uploaded in pdf. To get the book pdf please contact our whatsapp number. Click on donphone whatsapp icon to contact us in whatsapp.

  • (0)

    Zaad al-Ma’ad Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W Part four


    سیرت خیر العباد ﷺ

    از: علامہ ابن قیم الجوزی

    مترجم حاشیہ نگار : مفتی محمد عزیز الرحمن بجنوری

    حصہ چہارم

    ٭علامہ ابن قیم کی کتاب زاد المعاد ، تعار ف ،منہج و اسلوب اور امتیازی خصوصیات٭

    Zaad al-Ma’ad

    Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W

    By: Allama Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya

    Mutarjam Hashiya Nigar: Mufti Muhammad Aziz ur-Rahman Bijnori

    Part four

    کتب سیرت میں زاد المعاد کی منفرد خصوصیت یہ ہے کہ اس میں صرف حالات اور واقعات کے بیان پر اکتفاء نہیں کیا گیا بلکہ ہر موقع پر یہ بات واضح کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے کہ آنحضرت کے فلاں قول اور فلاں عمل سے کیا حکم مستنبط ہو سکتا ہے اور آنحضرت کے حالات اور معمولات زندگی میں ہمارے لیے کیا کچھ سامانِ موعظت موجود ہے گویا اس کتاب میں امت کے سامنے رسول کریم کا اسوہ حسنہ اس طرح کھول کر رکھ دیا گیا ہے کہ وہ زندگی کے ہر شعبے میں اس سے ہدایت حاصل کر سکے۔