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Suleiman the Magnificent, Scourge of Heaven
Antony Bridge Suleiman the Magnificent, scourge of Heaven
Suleiman I was a powerful ruler of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to 1566. He was called Suleiman the Magnificent in Western Europe and Suleiman the Lawgiver in his own land. He had a big empire with many people.
Suleiman fought against the Christians in Europe and the Middle East. He took over many cities and lands. He had a strong army and navy. He also made changes in the laws and education of his empire. He liked poetry and art. He married a woman named Hurrem Sultan, who was from another religion. He had many sons, but only one of them became the next ruler. His name was Selim II. After Suleiman died, the Ottoman Empire started to change a lot.
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Zaad al-Ma’ad Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W Part three
سیرت خیر العباد ﷺ
از: علامہ ابن قیم الجوزی
مترجم حاشیہ نگار : مفتی محمد عزیز الرحمن بجنوری
حصہ سوم
٭علامہ ابن قیم کی کتاب زاد المعاد ، تعار ف ،منہج و اسلوب اور امتیازی خصوصیات٭
Zaad al-Ma’ad
Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W
By: Allama Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
Mutarjam Hashiya Nigar: Mufti Muhammad Aziz ur-Rahman Bijnori
Part three
Moshe Dayan By Martin van Creveld
Moshe Dayan By Martin van Creveld
Please visit my website, many books are absolutely free which you can download for free in PDF format and some books which you can buy for a very cheap price.The book Moshe Dayan is a biography of an Israeli military leader and politician who fought in every war in the Middle East from 1948 to 1973. The book explores his public and private life, using rare sources to reveal his personality and achievements. The book aims to understand a man who was a symbol of Israel’s survival and success.
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Zaad al-Ma’ad Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W Part two
سیرت خیر العباد ﷺ
از: علامہ ابن قیم الجوزی
مترجم حاشیہ نگار : مفتی محمد عزیز الرحمن بجنوری
حصہ دوم
٭علامہ ابن قیم کی کتاب زاد المعاد ، تعار ف ،منہج و اسلوب اور امتیازی خصوسیات٭
Zaad al-Ma’ad
Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W
By: Allama Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
Mutarjam Hashiya Nigar: Mufti Muhammad Aziz ur-Rahman Bijnori
Part two
طریق سلسلہ عالیہ قادریہ مصنف محمد یونس قادری
You visit this website and buy books in PDF and Kindle at a very low price compared to Amazon and other bookshops. Let it be clear that this website is free for books. You buy books from this website and support our mission. Financial support. The purpose of this website is to unite libraries around the world and create a digital catalog of the books in them and make the rare manuscripts scanned and made available in PDF and Kindle format for the service of scholars.
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A History of the Soviet Union By David MacKenzie, Michael W. Curran
A History of the Soviet Union By David MacKenzie, Michael W. Curran
You visit this website and buy books in PDF and Kindle at a very low price compared to Amazon and other bookshops. Let it be clear that this website is free for books. You buy books from this website and support our mission. Financial support. The purpose of this website is to unite libraries around the world and create a digital catalog of the books in them and make the rare manuscripts scanned and made available in PDF and Kindle format for the service of scholars.
Go ahead and support us in this mission.DOWNLOAD & ORDER
Zaad al-Ma’ad Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W , Part one
سیرت خیر العباد ﷺ
از: علامہ ابن قیم ابن الجوزی
مترجم حاشیہ نگار : مفتی محمد عزیز الرحمن بجنوری
حصہ اول
٭علامہ ابن قیم کی کتاب زاد المعاد ، تعار ف ،منہج و اسلوب اور امتیازی خصوسیات٭
Zaad al-Ma’ad
Seerat Khair ul-Ibad S.A.W
By: Allama Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
Mutarjam Hashiya Nigar: Mufti Muhammad Aziz ur-Rahman Bijnori
Part one
پاکستان میں فوجی حکومتیں،مصنف مرتضی انجم
Pakistan Mein Fuji Hukumaten By Murtza AnjumPakistan Mein Fuji Hukumaten By Mutza Anjum
پاکستان میں فوجی حکومتیں :مرتضی انجم
پاکستان میں مارشل لاء کی تاریخ
You visit this website and buy books in PDF and Kindle at a very low price compared to Amazon and other bookshops. Let it be clear that this website is free for books. You buy books from this website and support our mission. Financial support. The purpose of this website is to unite libraries around the world and create a digital catalog of the books in them and make the rare manuscripts scanned and made available in PDF and Kindle format for the service of scholars.
Go ahead and support us in this mission.OTher Libarary Links
Knoozedil Blog
Stephen Hawking A Life in Science By by John Gribbin , Michael White
Stephen Hawking A Life in Science By by John Gribbin (Author), Michael White (Author)
You visit this website and buy books in PDF and Kindle at a very low price compared to Amazon and other bookshops. Let it be clear that this website is free for books. You buy books from this website and support our mission. Financial support. The purpose of this website is to unite libraries around the world and create a digital catalog of the books in them and make the rare manuscripts scanned and made available in PDF and Kindle format for the service of scholars.
Go ahead and support us in this mission. -
Hayat-e-Tayyaba:Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih(Hisa hawal )
Hayat-e-Tayyaba:Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih(Hisa hawal ) By Abu al Hamdani
حیات طیبہ حضرت مولانا اللہ یار خانؒ حصہ اوّل
ازفادات: حضرت امیر محمد اکرم اعوانؒ
تالیف ابو الحمدین
Hayat-e-Tayyaba:Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih(Hisa Doum)
Hayat-e-Tayyaba:Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih
حیات طیبہ حضرت مولانا اللہ یار خانؒ حصہ دوم
ازفادات: حضرت امیر محمد اکرم اعوانؒ
تالیف ابو الحمدین
Abu al Hamdani
Shah waliullah dehlvi ki tahqeqaat e hadeez,Sahih bukhari k qalmi nuskhay ki roshani me . By : Dr Atiq u rahman.
شاہ ولى اللہ دهلوى کی تحقيقات حديث
صحیح بخاری کے ایک قلمی نسخے کی روشنی میں
تأليف : ڈاکٹر محمد عتیق الرحمٰنShah waliullah dehlvi ki tahqeqaat e hadeez
Sahih bukhari k qalmi nuskhay ki roshani me .
By : Dr Atiq u rahman.